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How to Quickly and Easily Delete Pivot Tables

Greetings, fellow spreadsheet enthusiasts! Today, I have a delightful topic to discuss – the art of deleting pivot tables in Excel. Now, you might be thinking, “Why on earth would I want to remove a perfectly organized and visually appealing pivot table?” Well, fear not, for I shall guide you through the process with utmost wit and charm.

Deleting a pivot table is a breeze, my friend. All you need are a few simple steps, and you’ll bid farewell to that table in no time. Let me enlighten you on the various ways to achieve this feat:

how to delete pivot table

Key Takeaways:

  • To delete a pivot table, select the entire table and press the Delete key.
  • If your pivot table is on a separate sheet, delete the sheet to remove the table quickly.
  • Copy and paste as values if you want to keep the resulting data without the pivot table.
  • To remove only the resulting data, use the Clear All option in the PivotTable Analyze tab.
  • Carefully use VBA code to delete multiple pivot tables, and always create a backup copy of your workbook.

Now that you possess the wisdom to delete pivot tables effortlessly, go forth and declutter your spreadsheets with confidence. May your data be clean, your tables be tidy, and your pivot adventures be grand!

Deleting the Pivot Table and the Resulting Data

When it comes to removing a pivot table in Excel, it’s important to consider what happens to the resulting data. Do you want to delete both the table and the data it has generated, or do you just want to get rid of the table while keeping the calculated values? Let’s explore both scenarios:

If you want to delete the pivot table and the resulting data altogether, the process is quite simple. First, select any cell within the pivot table. Then, go to the “PivotTable Analyze” tab and click on “Select” in the “Actions” group. From the dropdown menu, choose “Entire PivotTable.” Now, with the entire table selected, simply press the Delete key on your keyboard. Voila! The pivot table and all its associated data will be gone.

However, if you only wish to remove the pivot table itself while keeping the resulting data, there’s a slightly different approach. Start by selecting any cell within the pivot table. Again, go to the “PivotTable Analyze” tab, click on “Select” in the “Actions” group, and choose “Entire PivotTable” from the dropdown menu. Next, right-click on any cell within the selected pivot table and click on “Copy.” Now, navigate to the “Home” tab, click on “Paste,” and select “Paste as Values.” This will remove the pivot table, but the calculated data will remain intact.

“By deleting the pivot table and the resulting data, you can quickly tidy up your Excel spreadsheet and remove any unnecessary clutter.”

Delete Pivot Table and Data Keep Pivot Table, Remove Data
Select entire pivot table and press Delete key. Select entire pivot table, copy, paste as values.
Removes both pivot table and resulting data. Retains pivot table structure, clears calculated data.

Deleting pivot tables in Excel can help you declutter your workspace and streamline your data analysis. By understanding the options available and using the appropriate methods based on your specific needs, you can easily manage and manipulate your pivot table data. Just remember to double-check your actions before deleting any data, as there is no undo button!

Deleting the Pivot Table but Keeping the Resulting Data

When working with pivot tables in Excel, there may be instances where you want to remove the pivot table itself while preserving the data it has calculated. This can be useful if you no longer need the visual representation of the data but still want to analyze or manipulate the underlying information.

To delete the pivot table but keep the resulting data, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select any cell within the pivot table.
  2. Click on PivotTable Analyze > Select > Entire PivotTable to ensure the entire pivot table is selected.
  3. Right-click on any cell within the selected pivot table and choose Copy.
  4. Go to the Home tab and click on Paste. From the options, select Paste as Values.

By copying and pasting the data as values, you are retaining the calculated results while removing the pivot table structure. This allows you to work with the data in its transformed state without the need for the pivot table itself.

Original Pivot Table Data After Deleting Pivot Table
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFrCRvy1WMo Data After Deleting Pivot Table

As you can see from the table above, the original pivot table displays the data in a summarized format. However, after deleting the pivot table and pasting the values, the resulting data is in a tabular form that can be further analyzed or manipulated.

Deleting the Resulting Data but Keeping the Pivot Table

When working with pivot tables in Excel, there may be instances where you want to remove the resulting data while preserving the pivot table structure. This can be useful if you want to rearrange or create a new summary based on the existing pivot table.

To delete the resulting data but keep the pivot table, follow these simple steps:

  1. Select any cell within the pivot table.
  2. Go to the PivotTable Analyze tab.
  3. Click on Clear and choose Clear All.

By clearing all data within the pivot table, you can start fresh without losing the structure and layout of the table. This gives you the flexibility to generate new insights or present the data in a different way.

delete pivot table data

Table: Example Scenario

Product Region Total Sales
Product 1 North 1000
Product 2 South 2000
Product 3 East 1500

In this example, let’s say we want to remove the total sales data while keeping the pivot table structure. By following the steps mentioned above, we can clear the total sales column, allowing us to explore alternative metrics or perform further analysis using the existing pivot table.

“Removing the resulting data while preserving the pivot table can save time and effort when you need to update or modify your analysis. It provides a clean slate while retaining the valuable framework for your data exploration.” – Excel Expert

Deleting All Pivot Tables in One Go

Are you tired of manually deleting each pivot table in your Excel workbook? Well, I have a solution for you! With a simple VBA code, you can delete all pivot tables at once, saving you time and effort. However, be cautious when using this code, as it cannot be undone. So, let’s get started and clear out those unwanted pivot tables in a flash!

To delete all pivot tables, you need to open the Visual Basic Editor in Excel. To do this, press Alt + F11. Once you’re in the editor, insert a new module by right-clicking on the project in the project explorer and selecting Insert > Module. Now, you’re ready to copy and paste the provided code into the module.

Sub DeleteAllPivotTables()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pt As PivotTable

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
Next pt
Next ws
End Sub

After pasting the code, you can run it by clicking the green play button or pressing F5. The code will loop through each worksheet in your workbook, check for pivot tables, and delete them along with their associated data. It’s important to note that this code will remove all pivot tables, so make sure to create a backup copy of your workbook before running it.

And there you have it! With just a few simple steps, you can delete all pivot tables in one go using VBA code. Say goodbye to the tedious task of deleting pivot tables individually and reclaim your precious time!


Worksheet Number of Pivot Tables
Sheet1 3
Sheet2 2
Sheet3 1

Deleting a Pivot Table in Excel for the Web

When it comes to deleting a pivot table in Excel for the web, the process is quite similar to deleting it in Excel for Windows. Just follow a few simple steps, and you’ll be able to remove unwanted pivot tables efficiently.

To begin, select all the cells in the pivot table that you want to delete. You can do this by clicking and dragging your cursor over the entire table or by using the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut. Once the pivot table is selected, press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove it.

It’s important to ensure that you have selected all the cells in the pivot table before deleting it, especially if the table is large or spans multiple worksheets. Double-check the selection to avoid accidentally deleting any data that you want to keep.

Additionally, if the pivot table is on its own sheet, you can delete the entire sheet to remove the pivot table quickly. Simply right-click on the sheet tab, select Delete, and confirm the deletion. This will remove both the pivot table and the sheet it is on, saving you time and effort.

Now that you know how to delete a pivot table in Excel for the web, you can confidently manage and organize your data with ease.

Quick Tips for Deleting Pivot Tables

Deleting pivot tables in Excel can be a breeze if you know the right tricks. Here are some quick tips to help you remove pivot tables easily:

  1. Use the Ctrl+A shortcut: Instead of manually selecting each cell in the pivot table, simply press Ctrl+A to select the entire table in one go. This saves time and ensures you don’t miss any cells.
  2. Utilize the PivotTable Analyze tab: If you have filters applied to your pivot table, selecting the entire table can be a bit tricky. Use the options in the PivotTable Analyze tab to select the entire pivot table, including any filtered data.
  3. Copy and paste as values: Sometimes, you may want to keep the resulting data from the pivot table but remove the actual pivot table. In this case, copy the data, go to the Home tab, and choose “Paste as Values” to retain the calculated data without the pivot table structure.

While these tips can make deleting pivot tables a breeze, it’s important to be cautious when using VBA code to delete multiple pivot tables at once. Always create a backup copy of your workbook before running the code to avoid any unintended consequences.

By following these easy ways to remove pivot tables, you can streamline your data analysis process and keep your spreadsheets organized.

Tip Description
Use Ctrl+A shortcut Select the entire pivot table quickly by pressing Ctrl+A.
Utilize PivotTable Analyze tab Use the options in the PivotTable Analyze tab to select the entire pivot table, including filtered data.
Copy and paste as values Keep the resulting data but remove the pivot table structure by copying and pasting as values.

These tips will save you time and make deleting pivot tables a breeze. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced Excel user, these easy techniques can help you effectively manage and manipulate your data.


Well, we’ve reached the end of our journey on how to delete pivot tables in Excel. I hope you’ve found this guide as useful and entertaining as I had writing it! Deleting pivot tables can be a breeze when you know the right techniques.

Remember, the key is to select the entire pivot table before hitting that delete button. Whether you want to remove the pivot table and its resulting data or just one or the other, there’s a method for every scenario.

And if you’re feeling adventurous or have multiple pivot tables to delete, you can always dabble in a bit of VBA coding. Just be sure to backup your workbook before taking that leap!


Deleting pivot tables in Excel is a straightforward process. Remember to select the entire pivot table and be cautious when using VBA code to delete multiple tables. Overall, the methods provided in this guide will help you confidently remove unwanted pivot tables from your spreadsheets.


How do I delete a pivot table in Excel?

To delete a pivot table, select the entire pivot table and press the Delete key on your keyboard. You can also delete the sheet if the pivot table is on a separate sheet.

What happens when I delete the pivot table and the resulting data?

Deleting the pivot table and the resulting data removes both from your spreadsheet.

Can I delete the pivot table but keep the resulting data?

Yes, you can delete the pivot table but retain the resulting data by copying the pivot table as values and pasting it into a new location.

How do I delete only the resulting data while keeping the pivot table?

To delete only the resulting data, select the entire pivot table and choose the “Clear All” option. This will delete the data but preserve the pivot table structure.

Is there a way to delete multiple pivot tables at once?

Yes, you can use VBA code to delete multiple pivot tables. However, be cautious when using this method and always create a backup copy before running the code.

How do I delete a pivot table in Excel for the web?

Deleting a pivot table in Excel for the web is similar to deleting it in Excel for Windows. You can select all the cells in the pivot table and press the Delete key.

What are some quick tips for deleting pivot tables?

Here are some tips:
– Use the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select the entire pivot table.
– If you have filters applied, use the method described in the Pivot Table Analyze tab to select the entire pivot table.
– To keep the resulting data only, choose “Paste as Values” when copying the data.
– When deleting multiple pivot tables, always create a backup copy and be cautious when using VBA code.

Deleting pivot tables in Excel is a straightforward process. By following the steps provided and using the tips mentioned, you can quickly and easily remove unwanted pivot tables from your spreadsheets. Remember to select the entire pivot table and exercise caution when deleting multiple tables. Experiment with these methods to find the approach that works best for your needs.